New Explosions Rock Aden | - dailyyemen
Multiple Violent explosions rocked Yemen’s southern port city of Aden on late on Monday. This was reported by Yemen News Portal, based on testimonies of local sources.
According to the sources, unknown gunmen threw several bombs at a military barracks belonging to the militia members of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) in Al-Madinah Al-Baidha (White Town) in Khor Maksar district.
The explosions come less than 24 hours after similar explosions targeted an arms depot inside a camp belonging the security belt forces affiliated with the STC in the Al-Arish area of the same district.
For days, the city of Aden has been witnessing great security tensions, in light of the escalation of Emirati-Saudi moves aimed at removing the STC from its home, and pushing Tariq’s factions to take over the city, which portends a new round of direct confrontations between the coalition parties.