Includes Salary Payment, New American Offer to Save Truce in Yemen
The United States presented on Saturday, a new offer for Sana’a. This comes in the first official comment on AlDhabah oil attack.
The US ambassador to Yemen, Stephen Fagin, announced his country’s support to ensure the payment of salaries to all Yemenis and the freedom of movement of Yemenis through ports and airports, and ending what he described as the destructive cycles of violence to extend the truce, he considered this the only option for Yemenis to benefit from the wealth of their country and give them a more prosperous future.
The US ambassador revealed his country’s fears that the new attack would cast a shadow on the navigation and its freedom and endanger it. He stressed that his country had exhausted its options by threatening in a statement published by the embassy on its website to prevent the arrival of food and basic materials in reference to the tightening of the siege on the port of Hodeida.
The ambassador called on the parties loyal to his country to show restraint at this sensitive time and push towards a comprehensive political settlement.