UN Reveals New Agreement May End Fuel Crisis
The United Nations revealed a new agreement on Hodeida port that may end the state of siege imposed on it for years, and it opens a way to end the aggravating humanitarian crisis due to the entry prevention to fuel and basic materials.
Exclusive-Alkhabar Alyemeni:
The United Nations Mission to Support the Implementation of Hodeida Agreement said that its new head had completed a tour that included UAE, Saudi Arabia and Jordan. Referring to his agreement with those parties that have been leading a war and siege since 2015, to ensure that the port is free of weapons and the entry of humanitarian aid is unimpeded.
Although the UN mission has confirmed more than once that, the port is free of any military activity. However, the agreement, if implemented, will end the suffering of millions around Yemen, in light of the coalition preventing the entry of fuel and food ships through the port under the pretext of militarizing it amid an unprecedented fuel crisis.