New Saudi Military Landing in Al-Mahrah
Saudi Arabia reinforced on Sunday, its military presence in Al-Mahrah province, southeast of Yemen. This coincides with news of pressure to sign an agreement to extend an oil pipeline, amid fears of an explosive situation there.
Exclusive-Alkhabar alyemeni:
local sources reported the arrival of a new Saudi military cargo ship to the port of Nishtun, explaining that the shipment had unloaded military vehicles and equipment.
The shipment is the second in less than a week, as similar reinforcements were sent previously by land to the city of Al-Ghaydah, the administrative center of the strategic provinces.
The Saudi reinforcement came on the eve of news talking on Saudi pressure over its authority, the “Presidential Council” by signing agreements, including the construction of a pipeline to transport oil through the lands of AlMahrah to the Arabian Sea.
Saudi Arabia seems to be seeking to complete its project, which it has been implementing since the beginning of the war, before declaring the new alliance with Israel, known as the “Middle Eastern NATO” because of its repercussions on the oil transport lines.
The new reinforcements indicate Saudi Arabia’s fears of a popular reaction in a governorate that has become rejecting any Saudi idea.
The head of the sit-in committee in Al-Mahrah, Sheikh Ali Al-Huraizi, had earlier called for attention to Saudi plans, and intensify people’s awareness of its dangers and the need to resist it.
In conjunction with Al-Huraizi’s threats to escalate, Saudi Arabia pushed Al-Tariji to the forefront of the scene, where Aidarous Al-Zubaidi appeared in previous statements calling for confronting what he described as “Brotherhood’s provocations” in AlMahrah.