STC Officially Rejects Outcomes of Riyadh Meeting
The pro-UAE Transitional Council rejected the outcomes of the meeting that brought together members of the Presidential Council under Saudi sponsorship in a move described as a “coup” against the outcomes.
The Presidency of Transitional Council renewed its demands to withdraw the forces of the First Military Region from Wadi Hadhramaut and to support the popular escalation there.
He also announced his rejection of what he described as unilateral appointments of some ministers in Maeen government. This announcement comes in parallel with the return of popular demonstrations by STC supporters in Wadi Hadhramaut.
The council’s media reported the start of a foot march in the morning in front of the First Military District, to demand it’s expelled from the oil plateau.
The new moves undermined the outcomes of the recent Riyadh meetings, which brought together members of the Presidential Council led by Saudi Defense Minister Khalid bin Salman, according to Ali Mohsen’s advisor, Saif Al-Hadiri.
Abdullah Al-Ghaithi, a leader in Transitional Council, had revealed that Riyadh meetings were not in STC’s interest,
Referring to Saudi Arabia’s attempt to work on reconciliation, STC’s military campaigns to extend in Hadhramaut and Al-Mahrah have stopped and the extension to the first military region mission in Wadi Hadhramaut, in addition to postponing the change of Sultan Al-Aradah and delaying the process of supplying Marib’s oil revenues to Marib.