Deal to Operate Balhaf with Cheap Price
The government of Maeen Abdul Malik in Aden and the French company Total concluded a new deal, to operate Balhaf LNG facility, in a move described as “scandal”.
Exclusive-Alkhabar Alyemeni:
Government sources, with the approval of Maeen, revealed that the deal with the French company requires that gas prices remain in accordance with 2015 agreement.
The agreement stipulates the sale of one million thermal units of liquefied gas at three dollars, while its prices in the global market exceed $85.
There were differences between the two parties over a new agreement to sell one million units at about $14, which rejected by Total.
The French company is trying to exploit the state of division between the Yemeni parties to achieve new gains, through its new deal; Maeen government is trying to push the company to operate in spite of Sana’a, which refuses to operate the facility for the benefit of foreign parties.