Abyan: Parade of al-Qaeda on the Bodies of STC Fighters
Al-Qaeda confirmed that it had regained its most prominent stronghold in Abyan, southern of Yemen. This comes in the wake of the Southern Transitional Council, the de facto authority there, claiming to defeat the organization and take control of its main strongholds.
Exclusive-Alkhabar alyemeni:
The organization published a video clip of its fighters in Wadi Ohmran, vowing to pursue those they described as “the lackeys of the Emirates.” and revenge for those they described as “prisoners” and revenge for raiding the homes of innocent people and violating their sanctities.
The clip published hours after a new operation targeted a group of the Transitional Council’s Third Brigade forces as it was passing through the valley between the districts of Al-Mahfad and Mudiya.
The attack, which was carried out with an explosive device, left five wounded and a number of dead among STC fighters.
The operation is the third since the beginning of the week, as two leaders from Al-Dhalea were killed in separate operations at the beginning of the week.
The parade is a dangerous indicator for the transitional government, which is suffering under the weight of tribal attacks, and a specification in the central region of Abyan, which includes Al-Mahfad, Mudiyah, Al-Wadi’a, all the way to Shuqrah and Al-Arqoub, and those areas have remained in recent years under the control of Islah and Hadi and their tribal alliances with a current in al-Qaeda, especially as it comes in parallel with a tribal campaign to expel the council factions from the district centers. Also, in parallel with the redeployment of Hadi forces in their former strongholds.