Why is America searching for its successor in the Red Sea?

In the past few hours, the US has intensified its diplomatic and military movements regarding the Red Sea. What are the dimensions of these steps at this time?

Exclusive – Al-Khabar Al-Yemeni:

On the diplomatic front, Washington managed to convene a session of the Security Council, aiming to issue a unified statement declaring international guardianship over the Red Sea. As for the military front, reports indicate to its negotiations with Western countries to form military missions in the Red Sea under the leadership of the European Union.

This activity comes in the aftermath of the US attacks on Yemeni naval boats, amid anticipation for a Yemeni response, particularly in light of recent threats from Yemeni forces regarding the prohibition of American warships’ activities in the Red Sea, whether in escorting shipping ships associated with Israel or countering ballistic missiles.

This indicates that America, which halted the operations of its battleships in the Red Sea in the past two days, is seeking an alternative to secure the passage of Israeli ships or at least prompt more Western countries into the quagmire of confrontation in Yemen. It is further evidence that America, which declared an alliance from Tel Aviv to break the Yemeni blockade and claimed the participation of dozens of countries, is incapable of any new role and confirmed that its alliance was out of service.

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