Conflicting news about the cargo of an Emirati cargo plane that landed in Aden on its way to Djibouti

Exclusive Follow-ups – Al-Khabar Al-Yemeni:

The landing of an Emirati cargo plane in Aden on Thursday sparked a debate about its cargo. The plane was an Ilyushin Il 76-TD type.

Navigation tracking websites showed its arrival at Aden Airport earlier on Wednesday on its way to the neighboring country of Djibouti, which borders the Bab Al-Mandeb strait.

Large shipments were unloaded from the plane in Aden under tight security.

It is not yet clear what the plane was carrying, but activists spoke of a new shipment of weapons, while others hinted at the return of Transitional Council leaders, in addition to talk of the transfer of huge sums of money expected to be auctioned in the market, which the Central Bank in Aden had previously announced.

Previously, Sana’a had warned the UAE of the consequences of turning Yemeni islands into hostile military bases.

The UAE maintains several islands in Bab Al-Mandeb, the most prominent of which are Mayyun, Abd Al-Kuri, which have recently witnessed intense activity by the forces of the alliance led by America and the Israeli occupation.

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