Zionist efforts to pass a new American project involving escalation against Yemen

Exclusive – Al-Khabar Al-Yemeni:

On Thursday, the Israeli occupation began its efforts to push America towards a new escalation in Yemen, coinciding with its defeat in Gaza after Lebanon.

American media sources reported that the Zionist lobby is pushing Texas Congressman Ted Cruz to introduce a new project that includes designating the Ansar Allah movement as a foreign terrorist group.

The sources indicated that Cruz failed to mobilize the largest number of members to support his project and only succeeded in adding 7 members based on pressure from the Jewish lobby.

The resolution is expected to be put to a vote in the coming days, and it appears that the possibility of passing it is impossible in light of the boycott against it.

The project comes days before the inauguration of the elected president Donald Trump, who signed the decision during his previous term.

It is not yet clear whether the project aims to put pressure on Yemen with American fears of the continued operations supporting Gaza or to take revenge for its steadfast position against the occupation and its allies.

It is worth noting that the US had previously placed Yemen on the sanctions list months ago.

The project will only limit the entry of basic materials into Yemen, given that its military achievement had previously failed over months of confrontations in the Red Sea.

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