The leader of Ansar Allah threatens America with targeting its interests and battleships if it commits any “folly” against Yemen

Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi, the leader of the Ansar Allah movement in Yemen, affirmed on Wednesday that they will not stand idly by if the American has a tendency to escalate further and commit foolishness by targeting our country or waging war against it,” threatening that American interests would be under the circle of direct targeting of Sana’a.

Sana’a – Al-Khabar Al-Yemeni:

In a speech addressing the latest developments, Al-Houthi stated, “Any American targeting of our country will be targeted in return, and we will make American battleships, interests, and navigation a target for our missiles, drones, and military operations,” stressing that “we are not among those who stand idly by while the enemy strikes them. We are a people who reject injustice, rely on “God, and are unafraid of direct American threats and aggression.”

He pointed out that the Yemeni people are not “those who submit to the American threat of direct war. We have suffered greatly from the wars that the Americans have waged against us through its agents in the region,” pointing out that “the Americans have mobilized countries in the region to fight us, have used extremist forces to exhaust us, and have committed the most heinous crimes against our people.”

“What we have desired from the very beginning is for the war to be direct between us and the Americans and Israelis, not through their agents,” stated the Ansar Allah leader, expressing their desire for direct confrontation with America. “The Americans’ agents fight on their behalf to achieve their agenda, and they pay him money,” not only in exchange for weapons but also in exchange for the political and media stance and planning.”

He pointed out that “the recent American move will not deter us at all from our steadfast, principled, and ethical stance that we declared from the beginning in support of the Palestinian people.” He continued, “The American movement is not new. Since day one, they have moved their battleships, aircraft carriers, and all their capabilities, but now they are seeking to implicate others.”

Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi addressed the countries overlooking the Red Sea, urging them to have a “clear position against the American stance that violates the rights of these countries and threatens their security and stability.” He also advised “all countries that the Americans seek to implicate not to implicate themselves, not to sacrifice their interests, and not to jeopardize the security of their navigation in order to serve the Zionists.”

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