Fearing the “Cole massacre,” America confirms restricting its forces in the Red Sea
The success of Yemen in testing its latest naval weapons on Thursday has raised new American concerns.
Exclusive – Al-Khabar Al-Yemeni:
American media outlets have devoted extensive coverage to the developments in the Red Sea following the recent operation by Yemeni forces.
The Associated Press described the attack by what they referred to as the “Al-Houthis” on a Greek ship using an explosive-laden unmanned boat as a success that raises concerns about American battleships, as it brings to mind the memory of the targeting of the American destroyer “USS Cole” in the Gulf of Aden in 2000, where around 17 American soldiers were killed.
On the other hand, The Wall Street Journal quoted officials in the US defense as confirming the success of Yemeni forces in restricting the movements of American battleships in the Red Sea. They noted that it was expected that American forces would contain the naval escalation by the “Al-Houthis,” but the opposite is happening.
Although Yemen has been directly confronting American forces since last January, the spotlight shed by American media on these new developments reflects the magnitude of American concerns about the consequences of the introduction of new weapons.
The explosive-laden unmanned boat caused significant damage to the engine room of a Greek cargo ship while it was sailing with foreign battleships.
The extent of the damage caused by the attack, in addition to its failure to be intercepted, poses a new obstacle to attempts to contain Yemeni operations in the Red Sea.