Eisenhower in Commander: We have not witnessed a naval confrontation like the one we had with the Yemeni forces

The commander of the third air wing on the aircraft carrier USS Eisenhower, Martin Scott, said that one of the things learned by combat pilots in the Red Sea is that drones are difficult to spot on the aircraft radar, referring to the drones launched by the Yemeni forces.

Follow-ups – Al-Khabar Al-Yemeni:

The commander of the US Navy confirmed that they are engaged in a tough confrontation with the Yemeni forces, noting that the US Navy has not experienced such a confrontation since World War II. Leaders and officers on the American aircraft carrier “Eisenhower” acknowledged that the carrier has faced a continuous and unprecedented direct threat in the Red Sea.

Scott pointed out that due to the continuous Yemeni threat, the crew of the American aircraft carrier could only visit the port twice during the 9-month deployment, according to the “American Homefront” website.

In the same context, the commander of the American aircraft carrier Eisenhower, Chris Hill, stated that the mission in the Red Sea was more complex for the US Navy than any series of confrontations since World War II, adding that it was an educational experience for the US Navy as it was highly complex.”

Hill expressed the danger posed by the Yemeni attacks, saying, “The US Navy has witnessed many first-of-its-kind experiences, such as confronting drones, boats, and cruising submarines, as well as anti-ship ballistic missiles, which the Navy had not seen before.”

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