Disclosure on Real Reason for Targeting Yemeni-Omani Company
Government sources in Maeen revealed on Wednesday, the real reason for targeting the Yemeni-Omani Telecom Company, this comes at a time when the company reassures its customers.
Exclusive-alkhabar alyemeni:
Aden Al-Ghad website quoted on sources in Maeen government as saying that the reasons are due to differences between officials over a commission. Noting that the company paid officials in Maeen government sums of money in exchange for not harassing her this sparked the ire of others, in reference to the Transitional Council, whose factions stormed the company’s headquarters and shut down the broadcast.
The government of Maeen had announced earlier that it was not aware of the closure decision
while the transitional tried to justify the crime by summoning the files of “MTN” company.
These differences reflect the extent of the conflict over money and the disregard for the suffering of citizens in a city that is witnessing unprecedented anger, due to the closure of the only company that provided much better services than those suffered by the city’s residents.
In this context, the company reassured its customers about their balances and promised to keep them until the service resumes soon.