YOU Company Reveals Damages of Stopping Its Network in Aden, Demands Compensation
The chairman of the Board of Directors of Yemeni Omani Telecom YOU spoke about the repercussions of what happened in Aden recently, from the suspension of the network and the closure of the company’s branches, emphasizing that there are material and moral damages, these damages affect the participants and those associated with them from co-workers and relatives in Aden and the rest of the regions even if they were users of other companies, communication with subscribers in Aden stopped.
Exclusive-Alkhabar alyemeni:
He pointed out that there is material and moral damage to the company and its subscribers, and everyone who depends on the service for his daily sustenance.
Dr. Abdullah bin Zahran in an interview with Aden Al-Ghad newspaper said that the issue takes its human dimension and it is a great responsibility, hitting like if the network stopped in a village with twenty participants, this forces the company to move to restore the network, so what about a big city?
Bin Zahran said that there are psychological effects and negative repercussions on all those affected from shutting down the network which is not easily bypassed.
He pointed out that there is a moral and legal responsibility, the suspension of the network led to the disruption of people’s private interests as well as public utilities, cutting off the business and interests of distributors, contractors, organizations, the educational sector, including students and universities, cut off communication with abroad through international roaming which affected business and family at the same time. He spoke in the dialogue that there is no justification for stopping the network and disrupting the interests of the people.
Regarding the request for compensation, bin Zahran confirmed that this point is part of the lawsuit filed in Aden, the court can estimate this, noting at the same time that the most important step for the company is restoring the service.
However, he stressed that each victim has the right to demand the necessary compensation, who caused this damage because the company made it clear that the suspension was out of its control and it officially went to the Yemeni judiciary, this action is what can be taken by any company or entity that respects the laws of the country and works within its framework.
The suffering of the citizens deepened by stopping the services of the company You, which is the most widespread in Aden. According to the middle newspaper, stopping the services of this company made Aden, which has been suffering from an electricity crisis during the past years suffering now from a communications and internet crisis.
According to the newspaper, “Aden Net”, the company that was supposed to provide the Internet service, has become completely suspended and weak, it is not possible to send text messages through it, while the closure of “YOU” company caused an increasing the suffering among citizens, those who lost contact with their families and caused a decline in services, the communication between employees and their workplace is interrupted, all services in Aden were affected, according to the newspaper, as a result of the closure of “You” company.