New Emirati Coup Against Saudi Arabia, Southern Yemen
Factions loyal to UAE in southern Yemen announced on Sunday, the start of new recruitment operations outside the Ministries of Defense and Interior, in a clear coup against Saudi Ara حدbia, which is trying to pressure towards the dismantling of these factions. Exclusive-Alkhabar alyemeni: Muhsin al-Wali, founder of the Security Belt, the most prominent pro-UAE faction and calling for the secession of southern Yemen, confirmed the start of forming six new brigades in Abyan province, east of Yemen. Al-Wali’s speech came during a review of the council’s factions with new Emirati armored vehicles that were delivered a few days ago to STC camps in Ja’ar. It is not yet clear whether the governor’s statements are part of the plan aimed at removing the Transitional Council factions from Aden or for a new escalation against the factions affiliated with the ousted President Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi, but the step is announcing the rejection of Saudi Arabia’s efforts to dismantle the Council’s factions and a coup against Riyadh Agreement, especially since it comes in the wake of a mutual escalation with Saudi Arabia, after the latter aborted STC’s efforts to infiltrate the oil regions, specifically Hadhramaut province.