Coalition factions intensify their oppressive actions against popular protests in Aden

The UAE-backed Transitional Council factions have intensified their repressive measures against the ongoing popular protests in the majority of districts in the city of Aden, expressing discontent over the deterioration of essential services, including electricity.

Aden – Al-Khabar Al-Yemeni:

According to southern media sources, “a security forces of the Pro-UAE Council attacked Mansoura Square and fired at demonstrators as they were preparing the square to receive mass crowds. They also threatened to target the square and detain the demonstrators.

In response to the widespread public outrage currently sweeping the regions controlled by the coalition factions, activists in the city of Aden have called for a massive protest this evening against the government loyal to the coalition and the Transitional Council, vowing to escalate the situation to expel the coalition and the government loyal to it.

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