The US intelligence revealed, on Monday, its new strategy in the war on Yemen, this came in a report submitted to Congress in which it revealed details about the level of the parties’ strength on the ground, and international media reported it, most notably the Saudi newspaper, Al-Sharq Al-Awsat. The US intelligence indicated that the health and humanitarian situation in Yemen would deteriorate in the coming period, in a clear reference to its movement of economic and health files after its military failure to support the Saudi-Emirati coalition that has waged a war and siege for seven years, trying to hold those he described as “Houthis” responsible for this, for their refusal to stop the progress in Marib. The report acknowledged that Sana’a forces have made gains in recent months, whether through air strikes in the Saudi depth or inside Yemen, as they approached controlling Marib, which the report described as the last stronghold of Hadi’s political and economic government in the north, at the same time, it stressed that the confidence of “Houthis” who are seeking a settlement with Saudi-led coalition is strengthening, in return to Hadi’s government retreat, which it said it lacked to “cohesion”, referring to the conflicts between its parties. //////////