In Numbers…Total of Oil Wealth Plundered by Coalition in Four Years
The Ministry of Oil and Minerals in Sana’a government revealed on Sunday, the amount of oil wealth that coalition is looting, stressing that Hadi government “is looting and stealing oil wealth in all provinces and is only responsible for renting the islands.”
The Minister of Oil in Sana’a, Ahmed Daris, stated that, “in 2018, oil production amounted to 18 million and 80 thousand barrels of crude oil.” In 2019, more than 29 million 690,750 barrels, In 2020, more than 31 million and 627 thousand and 250 barrels, and in 2021, 31 million and 587 thousand and 500 barrels of crude oil.”
He pointed out that the production of crude oil in the areas controlled by the coalition since the beginning of the year has reached only “5 million and 163 thousand barrels.” This is an example of the looted sectors.”
He added “the total production of looted oil until the end of February in these four years and two months amounted to 116 million and 150 thousand and 199 barrels of crude oil,” according to his statement to Al Masirah channel.
Sana’a Minister of Oil said that the total value of the looted oil by the coalition countries “in all oil sectors since 2018 to February of this year amounted to 8 billion and 202 million and 424 thousand dollars.” While “the total daily and average production at the present time for the looted oil, at a minimum, is 87 thousand and 500 barrels per day.” As for the monthly, it is not less than two million and 600,000 barrels, and it is not less than this number.”
Dares pointed out that the looted sums are supplied to Saudi Arabia and UAE, it is not even reported to the central bank in Aden. He pointed out that “the damages that affected gas and mineral sector are more than 60 billion dollars.” As for the total losses, as fines, the Yemeni people paid 161 million 660 dollars, until last year, it was only in oil derivatives, under the land and sea blockade.”
He stressed that “all agreements with companies say that the only legal center is in Sana’a with its name, location and mailbox, any deviation from this mechanism revokes the legal status of any transactions.”